Friday, June 22, 2007


Cornshake has a beautiful post up over yonder.


I'm taking this little scoundrel to see Nancy Drew today. Keep me in your thoughts as I descend into the tween maelstrom. I'm sure it'll be fairly cute.


Who read the Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys books? I was an absolute fiend for the Hardy Boys books. My copies were these old blue hardbacks with wonderful little paintings on the cover. They were always wearing sweaters and calling each other chums, especially Chet, their husky chum who often tagged along. Invariably, they'd be in a bazaar in Burma or somewhere and Chet would leave to find chocolate milk or something equally ridiculous. And he'd find it. Walking back, strange men running would knock him down, spilling his milk and glasses and the mystery was on.

Man, I loved all that. I had several and would check out more from the church library.


Matthew Thorburn said...

Oh man, I loved the Hardy Boys books. Discovering them is one of my fondest grade school memories. I read those old blue hardcovers, too -- my third-grade teacher had some on her classroom shelf -- and then got some of the more recent (back then) paperbacks.

Did you ever watch the TV show? Frank and Joe were played by Parker Stevenson and Shaun Cassidy, if I remember right...

And one of the books is actually called The Missing Chums, I see. (After reading your post I natually had to google "Hardy Boys.")

Paul said...

I saw The Missing Chums too! lol.

My awareness of the show was practically nil at the time. The biggest impression it made was one of the super flimsy records, practically paper thin, remember those? Shaun Cassidy had one on the back of a cereal box and the ad traded on the HB show.

Holy crap, the 70's were great.

Matthew Thorburn said...

Oh yeah, I do remember those records. And I second that -- long live pop culture. Viva los Hardy Boys!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute, Paul. She's going to be gorgeous.

Yes, I was a Nancy Drew fan, too. Not sure if I found mine in the church library or other. Got lots of chrisitian romance novels from the church library, though...until I graduated to Harlequin Romances at the community library! There was quite a collection; well, now that I think of it, our local suburban library's largest collection were the Harlequins! Hiding them between the bed and, fun.


Anonymous said...

I work in the youth services department of my local library and I am happy to say that kids are still reading the classic Nancy Drew series. The Hardy Boys are not quite as popular, but I did return one to the shelf yesterday. So, that's promising.