Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Happy couple

Over at Amazon, me & Rebecca Loudon are engaged in a certain sort of congress....


Anonymous said...

I don't know... when I click on it you are "in a certain sort of congress" with Eliot Khalil Wilson. I think Amazon's cross-sell engine has way too much power over your "congressional life".

Steven D. Schroeder said...

I see Tarantella.

Hey, MisanthropicAnthropoid, cool name, but how can you use it and not list Bad Religion in the music section of your profile?

My verification word is "oatzwi."

Radish King said...

We are congressing! Why Mr. Guest, you made me blush.

Paul said...

Oh, I doubt that....


Radish King said...

No, I did, but it might have been because I spilled hot soup on my lap at the same moment.