Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Ides

Cruddy sheets of rain follow a sunny spring day. My birthday. Thank you to everyone who sent such nice wishes. I'm overwhelmed by your kindness. I know I don't write here very much these days, but I plan to get back to it one of these days. Maybe as spring deepens. Anyway, again, my thanks and love to you all.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Guest. I read your site/poems/stories daily and they help to fill some of my empty spaces. :)

Jeannine said...

They get famous, they never call anymore, they never write...
Happy birthday and let us know how you are doing!

Paul said...

Hey Jeannine!

el poquito said...

Your book 'Index of Slightly Horrifying Knowledge' was recommended to me to read by Luis Alberto Urrea. And it started from there -- While waiting for it to arrive to my local library, I found 'One More Theory About Happiness' and started from there and worked my way backwards from there. Your words have been a part of my winter studies - and seeing as every word I've read has been for free through my public library - and seeing as you do make your living with words [although library patronage does keep 'em buying books] - it's only fair that I offer some exchange - at the very least, some acknowledgement as to how challenging, difficult, truthful, artful and disturbing you've been to my humble winter abode and studies -- and that I'm grateful to you, and thankful Luis steered me in your direction.

All the best to you, Paul. And thanks for the many layers you teach on - from the writing to the corporeal form navigation.

Lynette Jones said...

Hello, Paul. Your book "One More Theory About Happiness" is wonderful. My brother, is a C3-4 quad from a car accident 27 years ago. He is still alive today. I recently started writing books - just published "Evidence of Divine Intervention" about a car accident my daughter was in last year (Yes! lots of car accidents in my family). I am now writing a book or books about my brother's life. Your book helped me think through what I wanted to say about his journey. You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work!!