Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Who woulda thunk it?

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer is kind of almost in the same zip code as halfway decent. An improvement, for sure, over the first. All the same problems are present: moments of incapacitating hokum; ridiculously bad casting; special effects that at times are just weirdly shoddy.

It seems certain to me this was branded as Marvel's bargain bin franchise, an attempt at finding what level mediocrity will still make money. The guy playing Reed Richards is just there, virtuoso of bland. Jessica Alba still seems odd as Susan Storm, The Invisible Woman. The franchise does have a good thing going between Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm. A movie about them would be funnier. And the actress playing The Thing's blind girlfriend is just plain bad: you expect her to wear a t-shirt which reads, HEY, I AM SO TOTALLY BLIND. In some scenes, she can hear or smell who enters a room. Yet, when talking to her, she stares to one side or the other so conspicuously it's retarded. Because now her t-shirt reads, I'M BLIND SO I REALLY CAN'T TELL IF YOU'RE RIGHT HERE OR OVER THERE, LET ME CHECK DOWNSTAIRS.

Still, it's a bit better. Higher stakes. Less physical agony. For viewers.


C. Dale said...

I completely agree! It was okay, which really IS an improvement over the first one. The first one was awful.

C. Dale said...

Actually, I totally think YOU should write a poem with the Invisible Woman in it. Consider that a very big request from one of your fans.

Paul said...

Request received!

Anonymous said...

You SHOULD write a poem in which the Invisible Woman is conspicuously absent from.
Genius! Right? It hardly justifies the use of words, really.

Paul said...
