Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Apologies for dropping the f-bomb in last night's post. It's entirely appropriate as a response to his reprehensible post, but maybe not so appropriate in public. Sorry about that, ya'll.

More later.


Unknown said...

The f-bomb? No apology necessary. I thought it pretty much fit the bill.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I find your post to be admirable in its restraint. I'm completely disgusted and surprised (didn't think I could be anymore) that this theme has been repeated by various armchair Supermen: "Well, if I were there, I would have lead the charge to take him out! It's not like he had machine guns! It was only a .22 and a 9 mm! Why did these people lay down to die?" It's shocking how many people don't realize that the heroics you see in movies ARE FICTIONAL. And newsflash: handguns are pretty lethal too. DUH. Also, the various comparisons I've read to the passengers taking down the terrorists on Flight 93 are blatantly false: the 9/11 terrorists had boxcutters, and the passengers had a window of time in which they were able to get a picture of what was going on and organize a response.

Shameless idiocy by people who think surround-sound is reality.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I think it's very telling that the article you linked to had an ad for Ann Coulter's book. Chickenhawks of a feather flock together, I guess.

Anonymous said...

F-bomb is perfectly acceptable in that case. But I could have used a warning that the linked post would cause my blood pressure to skyrocket! Effin' eejit, he is.

Oliver de la Paz said...

I'm more surprised that you didn't drop a cluster of f-bombs . . .

Josh Hanson said...

I am officially boycotting what used to be a squeeky clean blog.

Shame on you, Mr. Guest. Shame on you.